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How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System? Answered With Scientific Basis


In this article, we attempt to answer the question: how long does CBD stay in your system by looking at previous studies.

How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?

At this time, there aren't many reliable or reputable studies regarding CBD available yet, so determining how long it can take for CBD to leave your system isn't an exact science. Based on available studies, it could be between 1-2 days or, at the outside, 4-25 days.

After ingestion, CBD generally takes 20-30 minutes for CBD oil to take effect. How long it takes to leave your system afterward can depend on several factors, including:

  • Metabolism: A person's metabolism plays a prominent role in how fast the CBD is metabolized and eventually excreted from the body. Another aspect that could influence the effects of CBD is whether it's taken with food or on an empty stomach, as certain things you eat could enhance bioavailability and increase overall CBD concentration in your body.
  • Frequency of use: How often CBD is used will also impact the amount of time it remains in the body.
  • CBD dosage: The amount of CBD taken at a time will impact how long the cannabinoid stays in the system.
  • Method of administration: Both the effects and presence of CBD in the body are also contingent on how the cannabinoid was introduced into the body or how you administered the CBD oil (vaping, edibles, oil or tincture, etc.) For instance, smoking or vaping CBD influences take effect almost immediately, while ingestion will delay the onset for an hour or two.
  • Whether you'd eaten beforehand
  • Even your weight

Research On CBD Levels:

  • In a study published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 14 patients with Huntington's disease were given an extremely high dosage of oral CBD (10 mg/kg/day — about 700 mg/day) for six weeks. The result of the research showed that the levels of CBD dropped to an average of 1.5 ng/ml one week after discontinuing CBD. Cannabidiol levels were virtually undetectable after about a week. The study concluded that the elimination half-life of CBD was about 2-5 days. There was no difference between genders for the half-life of CBD. This half-life is a lot shorter for people who don't use CBD regularly.
  • In a randomized, double-blind, controlled 2005 study published in "Therapeutic Drug Monitoring," participants were given cannabis extract with 2.5 milligrams of THC and 1.35 milligrams of CBD. The research team found that CBD was only identifiable in the blood for up to nine hours after ingestion.
  • A 2018 review of existing CBD studies discovered that the estimated half-life of CBD was two to five days for those who took a daily oral dose. Other delivery methods delivered varied half-lifes.
  • Other than insight into how long CBD remains in the blood, there is little research on how long is CBD detectable in urine. In a 2016 study reported in the "Journal of Pain," volunteers were given different types of CBD-rich cannabis products, including oils, capsules, and flowers. Two hours post administration, urine samples from all 15 subjects tested positive for CBD. The researchers followed one volunteer after the last day of administration and identified that CBD was no longer detectable in the urine after 24 hours.

While the time that CBD is detectable in the body will depend on the aforementioned factors, we can identify that CBD will likely leave the system after a week or two.

Also keep in mind that although existing evidence shows us that CBD can definitely be detected in the body for a certain period of time, most cannabis drug tests specifically look for the presence of THC. Therefore, accurate information on how long CBD stays in the body remains limited compared with THC tests.

Will CBD Show Up In A Drug Test?

This may be a concern for you, especially if your workplace performs mandatory drug screenings or have strict employment rules regarding usage.

CBD is an all-natural product that has been deemed a "safe and well tolerated" substance by the World Health Organization, but there is still a possibility that taking it can mean a false positive result. CBD oil, no matter how pure or high quality, can contain trace amounts of THC. Therefore, THC metabolites may still be detectable in a drug test even if you've only ever taken CBD.

Without very much hard data to lean on, you may want to be on the safe side before taking a drug test and assume that CBD leaves your body at the same rate as THC. According to the Mayo Clinic, a urine test (the most common type used for workplace testing) can detect THC metabolites for 10-15 days in the case of daily usage. Depending on the serving and frequency of use, the numbers can vary.

If you're concerned about any professional consequences due to using CBD oil, it may help to discuss the issue with an HR representative or consult your state's specific CBD laws. Many employers don't consider CBD to be in the same league as marijuana, since it doesn't result in any psychoactive effects that could impair your work.

Hopefully, we have provided some insight into how long CBD remains in the blood.

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